Lineart for a kiriban. So I finally learned how to make crisp lineart in Photoshop- increase resolution to 4000-5000 px. ALL THIS TIME I couldn't figure out why my lines in Photoshop looked blurry. Too bad my computer can't handle files of that size. Though for stand alone images with no concrete deadline, I'll risk it.

A small clip from my SS. I've been trying to learn how to CG in a slightly more mainstream method. It's fun to try new techniques (well, new for me).

Lately I've mostly been colouring comics, though I've found a little time to do lineart. I really want to feed my Tales of Vesperia addiction. My sweet game has been sadly neglected these past couple months.
Working on a 5927 lineart. I'm going to finish this asdfkjdjf;____;.